Monday, January 16, 2017


I spent some time with a friend studying the book of Luke and looking at how Jesus considered women. 

My mind went to the obvious, the woman at the well, the woman who washed Jesus' feet with her tears. Mary, Martha, and the woman bled for 12 years until she, in a great act of faith, touched the hem of Jesus' robe, because she knew that was all it would take for her to be healed from 12 years of ridicule, pain, embarrassment, and shame. Just a touch of his robe... But that is a post for another day. 

I flipped to the beginning of Luke, reading about how Jesus, as a child, treated his mother, and there was another story that caught my eye. Only 3 verses, but they struck me. 

Let me tell you about Anna.

After 40 days, Jesus was circumcised and presented in the temple. "a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and for glory to your people Israel." There are 3 verses that separate the ceremony and Mary and Joseph's departure back to Nazareth.

 This is where we find Anna.

Anna was a godly woman. A prophetess whom never left the temple, she just stayed and fasted and prayed.

Anna was pure. "She lived with her husband seven years from when she was a virgin..." 

Anna was set apart from the rest. She chose to live in a way that was set apart and holy just so she could be ready for the Lord to use her in anyway He would. 

And He did. 

Anna had been waiting for the Messiah her entire life. There are different theories on the exact age of Anna when she finally saw her savior, in the flesh, as a baby. But it is estimated that she was between the ages of 84-105. She lost her husband after only 7 years of marriage and kept herself pure, that she would be ready for every good work the Lord would have for her. 

It is probable that after Anna was left as a widow, she would have faced times of poverty, loneliness, depression, and of being an outcast. But I have to think that even in these times, she reminded herself that hope and salvation would come. So she waited.

and she waited..

and she waited..

and then a child was born.

Anna was bold. 

When she saw the face of the newborn king, she rejoiced to say the least. 

"she began to give thanks to God and to speak of him to all who were waiting for the redemption of Jerusalem." 

What she had been hoping in for all of her life was a reality, right before her eyes, she could touch the babe who came to die. She knew who He was, who He would become, and who He still is today. 

The greatest contribution she could have made for the Kingdom, she made in her frailest state of life. She did exactly what she could with what she had. She had her voice, and so she used it. She had her faith, and she put it on display. She had her savior in front of her very eyes, and she proclaimed who He was above all else. 

I want to be an Anna.
Pure and ready for every good work.
Wait expectantly for the Lord to move and bring hope and restoration. 
Know that the Lord will do what He promises He will do.
Proclaim the savior who came to die, who did die, but at this moment lives. 

May I be like Anna. 

A humble servant, continually living in the presence of God. 

Saturday, January 14, 2017

i don't know what will come of this...

I don't know what this is going to look like. 
I don't know that it needs to look like anything specific. 
I can make no promises about the material posted.
It might be rant-y at times.
It might be annoying and filled with poor grammar. 
I will probably misspell words and put commas in the oddest of places, completely changing the meaning of what I am intending to say..(shout out to Mrs. Holt, my college English professor... I still haven't mastered the comma thing..)
I love a good "..."

I don't have a clue of what this blog will lead to.

If anything at all.
I don't know if I will actually stick to a schedule, or even post again after this.
I might even leave this here and in a year try again...flashback to last year..and the year before.

I might share a story.

I might share a thought.
I might share a quiet time that struck me to the core.
I might share about a pair of shoes I love..(shout-out to Birkenstock)

I don't know.

Maybe no one will ever read this, and that will be okay.
Maybe I need to write more than I need someone to read it.

I guess we'll see.

Welcome to my life.